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To be recognized as a fraternity of enthusiastic, innovative, and forward-thinking men ~ united in fellowship & service, dedicated to mutual self-improvement, and committed to making a positive difference within our communities ~ especially for our youth.

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Our History

It all started late 1996. Wayne Peterson, Steve Adams and Drew Baker met at the offices of DAB Consulting in Renton, Washington to discuss the formation of a Masonic Lodge that would be different from typical lodges. All three of the "Founders" were Senior DeMolay and looking for that fun and brotherhood we had experienced in DeMolay.


After a few meetings discussing our mission and goals, we contacted two more individuals to help in this process. The two main other Brothers were Jeffrey Brunson and Donald W Wright. Others soon joined in and after more meetings  we got a group of 18 Masons that were willing to be our Charter members. Wayne was not yet a Mason, Steve was a member of Whatcom Lodge #151 and Drew was a member of Verity Lodge #59 and were part of the Charter Members.  Since then we have other Past Master's who are plural members with us due to their involvement in DeMolay and the wish to have some of that brotherhood connection. We also have members who have never had the opportunity to be DeMolay but still enjoy the Brotherly Love and affection that we attempt to instill in our membership.


We then became a Lodge under dispensation with Jeff Brunson as the Master, Drew Baker as the Senior Warden and Don Wright as the Junior Warden. As the word got out we started to hold a few gatherings including a Chevalier Dinner in Fife where we attracted many of our still current members. That night at that dinner I just remember the Chicken was a lot better than the Salmon.


Under dispensation we were able initiate and so on April 12th, 1997 we initiated our first three Masons MW Brother Jim Mendoza, WB Douglas Haughton and Wayne Peterson. They were then made Fellowcrafts and raised to Master Masons on May 17th, 1997.


November 15, 1997 we were Chartered as Frank S Land Lodge #313. Since then we have been on the cutting edge of Masonic Involvement in Washington State. We began with many of the members with young families. We met specifically on Saturday Mornings so we could get the families together after our meetings. We went bowling, had picnics, went to museums and shows. As the children of our early members have moved out of the nest and gotten married and are starting families of their own,  some are also joining our lodge which we hope they will continue into the future.  We also had many  times of bonding in Beer Brewing, Table Lodge, Puget Sound afternoon Cruises, Wine Tasting with Massage instruction we have opened the eyes of many other Masons throughout the state.


We have now had our 22nd Installation of officers and are building some momentum for future. Please join us and partake in our labors and privileges. We hope to expand beyond the walls of the Masonic Lodge and create charity and kindness into the community and make a difference in the lives of others.

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